Publications |
Kishore, S., and
Stamm, S. (2006).
The snoRNA HBII-52
regulates alternative splicing of the
serotonin receptor 2C.
Science 311,
230-232. (Epub 2005 Dec 15.)
Meshorer, E., Biton,
I., Ben-Shaul, Y., Ben-Ari, S., Assaf, Y.,
Soreq, H. and Cohen, Y. (2005).
cholinergic imbalances promote brain
diffusion and transport abnormalities.
FASEB J., 19, 910-922
Pick, M., Perry, C.,
Grisaru, D., Lapidot, Z., Naparstek, E.,
Deutsch, V. and Soreq, H. (2005).
Stress-induced cholinergic signaling
promotes inflammation-associated
Blood, 2006 Apr
15;107(8):3397-406. Epub 2005 Dec 27
Magen A, Ast G. (2005)
The importance of being divisible by
three in alternative splicing.
Acids Research (2005)Vol. 33,No. 17:
Kol G, Lev-Maor G, Ast
G. (2005)
Human-Mouse Comparative
Analysis reveals that Branch-site plasticity
contributes to splicing regulation.
Human Molecular Genetics (2005) 14:
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